
acne 2

Meet Our Team of Experts.

Dr Karun Aggarwal

Dr. Karun Aggarwal is amongst one of the best Hair doctor in Jodhpur and this is claimed not only by us but also by many of his former and current patients. He is cited as one of the best for Hair Transplant in Jodhpur and can provide many types of Hair Loss Treatment in Jodhpur itself. He has completed his post graduation in facial plastic and maxillofacial surgery in 2011. He did his fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine and Laser from Germany and is a very trusted Facial Plastic Surgeon and Hair doctor in Jodhpur. Dr. Aggarwal is also a very experienced doctor for all types of hair problems and is a certified trichology expert who has performed many hair transplant surgeries successfully. He is one of the few doctors whose experience is coupled with genuine concern for his patients.

Meet Our Team of Experts.

Dr Karun Aggarwal

Dr. Karun Aggarwal is amongst one of the best Hair doctor in Jodhpur and this is claimed not only by us but also by many of his former and current patients. He is cited as one of the best for Hair Transplant in Jodhpur and can provide many types of Hair Loss Treatment in Jodhpur itself. He has completed his post graduation in facial plastic and maxillofacial surgery in 2011. He did his fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine and Laser from Germany and is a very trusted Facial Plastic Surgeon and Hair doctor in Jodhpur. Dr. Aggarwal is also a very experienced doctor for all types of hair problems and is a certified trichology expert who has performed many hair transplant surgeries successfully. He is one of the few doctors whose experience is coupled with genuine concern for his patients.

Acne & Acne Scar Treatment

Has acne become a part of your identity and description? Are they too stubborn to get off your skin despite trying every home remedy? Acne sure has taken a toll on our appearances and is directly affecting our confidence as well. However, the right treatment can help us get rid of acne and all the other demons along with it.

Its an extremely common skin condition that commonly occurs during puberty and can affect face, chest, shoulders and back. It can cause emotional distress and permanently scar the skin depending upon the severity. It can be persistent and treatment should be started early to minimize the risk of such problems.

Statistically Speaking

More than


of teenagers have acne

Peak outbreaks in women are between


years old

Peak outbreaks in men are between


years old

It can also affect adults into their


and later

Type of Acne

Acne 11


Also called closed comedones, they are non-inflammatory in nature and are caused by excess oil being trapped in the skin pore. They commonly appear on the nose, chin and face.

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Inflammatory in nature, unlike papules, pustules are filled with pus. They are raised and generally have white or yellow heads.

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Non-inflammatory in nature, they occur when the pore is clogged by a combination of excess oil and dead skin cells. They are also called open comedones.

Causes And Triggers

The primary cause of Acne is the blockage of skin pores with oil, dead skin or bacteria. These pores (Hair follicles) are attached to tiny oil producing glands (called sebaceous glands) that are responsible for lubricating the hair and skin with sebum and prevent it from drying out.

When these glands produce too much oil (sebum), this excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells and blocks the pore, the ever-present bacteria on the skin contaminates and infects these pores causing zits/pimples/papules, pustules, nodules or cysts.

How Acne Develope?




Stage 2


Stage 3

It Can have many triggers. Some of them are

Hormones blue 1










Smoking 1


Dr Aggarwals Clinic Acne Treatment

Oily skins are generally more prone to acne because of the excess oil. Our acne treatment for oily skins use the most sought-after techniques to get rid of them. But first, let us understand how our skin develops this condition.

Acne develops from the hair follicle of a healthy pore. Bacteria starts to spread within its sebaceous gland—responsible for oil secretion—and clogs the pore. Thereby, this leads to swelling of the pore. This can be triggered due to factors such as heredity, puberty, pressure, hormones, diet, drugs, occupations, and cosmetics.

The pimples treatment provided at our clinic can help you them and their scars irrespective of the cause.

• Microneedling

Also known as collagen induction therapy, it is a popular acne treatment for women. This procedure involves the use of a rolling instrument with 192 to 540 pins of varying lengths. A 2/2-inch of skin is taken and stretched, and the instrument is rolled on the affected area. This is done until pinpoint bleeding occurs, as it is essential for the regeneration of the skin.

This simple procedure can be done anytime—even in between your office hours—and takes about six to eight sessions for flawless results.

• Chemical Peeling

This procedure of removal of top dead skin layers is also known as derma peel. Also, suitable acne treatment for men, this can be done even during their break hours. It involves the use of chemical agents that cause controlled destruction of the outer-skin layers, epidermis, and dermis.

Depending on your skin type, the chemical effects the entire epidermal layer (superficial grade)or dermal layer (medium or deep grade). At Berkowits, we use various chemicals such as glycolic, salicylic, lactate, and phenol among others to perform this procedure.

Glycolic peel, a medium grade treatment, is the best acne treatment for dry skin as it promotes the production of new collagen and elastin. Lactic peel, however, is a superficial grade treatment, which is a suitable acne treatment for sensitive skin as well as dry skin.

You must take precautions by not undergoing another abrasive procedure for at least one week after the treatment. During this phase, you must always apply our Dr. Aggarwal’s Clinic Protect Sunscreen Gel when going out in the sun.

• Q-Switched Laser Treatment

This treatment is a procedure in which a specific wavelength of laser light is directed to the skin. The beam of light is absorbed by the colored pigments in the skin, aiding in acne scar removal.

All these treatments by Dr. Aggarwal’s Clinic are simple, safe and efficient, and can be combined for the final result of youthful, rejuvenated and glowing skin.

Acne Scars

Acne can be quite painful and embarrassing when it is severe. Most teenagers who go through puberty face this skin issue that is caused due to hormonal imbalances. Acne can range from manageable to debilitating. More often than not, it is only associated with one’s teenage years however, adult acne is also quite prevalent.

Adult acne occurs as a result of the inflammation of the hair follicles and blockage of the pores by oil and dead skin cells. The lesions caused by the follicles cause pimples.

Many women also experience acne during the first and second trimesters of their pregnancy. In some cases, the outbreak might be acute.

The scars left behind by acne can last a lifetime if it is left untreated.

Scar revision is the process of collagen remodeling of the skin to lift up the scars. This can be done using the process of laser scar removal, by skin polishing or by administering chemical peels to the affected area.

As if acne itself wasn’t enough, it can also cause scarring! The bad news is that they will not fade on their own, the good news is that they can be treated!



It is characterized by a small depression as if its been punctured by a needle.



It is a broad depression with well defined edges, seems as if shaped by a box.



Rolling scars can give the skin a wavy texture. They have smoother edges than boxcar scars.



These are raised bumps over the skin.

Treatments Available



MIcro needle






Micro-Dermabrasion for Acne Scar Removal

Microdermabrasion includes exfoliating the skin to improve the texture and quality. In addition to removing acne scars, Microdermabrasion also helps to smoothen out wrinkles upon undergoing a series of treatments.

However, Microdermabrasion is not recommended if you have cystic acne scars.


Subscision or subcutaneous incision-less surgery is a simple surgical procedure that constitutes of inserting a small needle into the scarred tissue to make subcutaneous cuts and repair the tissue underneath.

It is effective to remove acne scarsthat have deep depressions. This procedure can be combined with repeated laser treatments for effective acne scar removal.

Chemical Peels

The topical application of a chemical peel on one’s acne scars has been proven to be effective in acne scar treatment. They also help to correct uneven skin tones, smoothening out wrinkles and decrease hyperpigmentation.

The procedure includes the removal of the upper layer of dead skin cells to reveal lower layers that are new and improved.


Micro-needling includes the insertion of tiny, painless needles into the skin through punctures to disturb the skin. This results in the opening up of the skin to better absorb serums and creams that can facilitate the removal of acne scars. It causes the skin to have a healing response by allowing itself to be nourished by acne creams.

The primary healing of acne scars is reliant on repeated and continuous laser treatment. It is imperative to go in for the sessions as advised by the dermatologist to see lasting and evident results.

Post-procedure care is very important when it comes to acne scar removal. It is vital to ensure that there is no infection that could turn leads to more scars on the skin.

If pimples do reoccur, it is important not to pop them yourself or keep caressing it repeatedly. This could result in more acne scars.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are the dark and sometimes swollen pits left in the skin long after the pimple has healed and are divided into four categories according to appearance and cause: ice pick (small pits), boxcar (scars that have sharp edges), rolling (caused by damage underneath the epidermis) and hypertrophic (raised and bumpy because of excess scar tissue under the skin).

Can you remove acne scars with laser?
For serious scarring from previous bouts with acne, several types of treatment can help: Laser resurfacing. This procedure can be done in the doctor’s or dermatologist’s office. The laser removes the damaged top layer of skin and tightens the middle layer, leaving skin smoother.
Does laser treatment kill acne?
Some of the laser devices provide simultaneous improvements in both inflammatory acne as well as scarring caused by acne. However, laser and light sources do not appear to be very effective for the treatment of noninflammatory comedonal acne.
Can a dermatologist remove acne scars?
Dermatologists perform acne scar surgery to reduce raised acne scars. This surgery can be performed in a dermatologist’s office. To obtain the best results, acne scar surgery is often followed by another treatment.
What are the side effects of laser treatment on face?

Ablative laser resurfacing can cause various side effects, including:
Redness, swelling and itching. Treated skin may be itchy, swollen and red.

  • Acne. 
  • infection. 
  • Changes in skin color. 
  • Scarring. 
  • Turning of the eyelid (ectropion).
How do I take care of my skin after laser treatment?
How to Care for Your Skin After Laser Treatment

Stay Out of the Sun. Right after a laser treatment, your skin is going to be very sensitive. 

  • Gently Cleanse the Area. 
  • Reduce Swelling. 
  • Keep the Skin Moisturized
  • Skip the Strong Ingredients. 
  • Keep Your Head Up. 
  • Wait for Makeup. 
How Do People Get Acne Scars?
Surprisingly, all acne scars are NOT caused by picking at the outbreak. The skin on your face is extremely sensitive and if you suffer from extreme bouts of intense inflammation, such as what often occurs when you have cystic acne, hypertrophic acne scars will be the result.
Are Acne Scars Permanent?
To the relief of teens and adults all over the world, recent developments in the laser world mean the answer to the question “Are acne scars permanent?” is no, severe scarring from acne is no longer permanent.
What Acne Scar Treatment Options are Available?
There are multiple over the counter creams that succeed in getting rid of acne scars by “bleaching” the discolored parts, but they don’t take out the pits or take out the scars altogether. Laser acne scar removal uses lasers to clear the skin by smoothing the surface while increasing the production of collagen. Injections involve injecting fillers into the indented areas, while chemical peels take out layers of skin, leaving behind fresh, new looking skin. And finally, fat grafting is done by removing excess fat from your trouble spots and injecting the fat into indented area.
How Much Does It Cost to Get Rid of Acne Scars?
The cost of removing acne scars ranges between as little as 1500 per session (not counting the initial consultation) up to as much as 50000 per treatment.
Smooth Skin Can Be Yours
Consult with a dermatologist for more information about all the acne scar treatment options that may be available to you, and start down the path to your future with skin that is clear and smooth. You don’t have to imagine a world where beards and heavy makeup are required to hide the ravages of acne scars; it already exists and you get to reap the benefits of technology in this new and modern world.

Before And After

Before After
Before After
Before After
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