Laser Hair Removal
Meet Our Team of Experts.
Dr. Karun Aggarwal is amongst one of the best Hair doctor in Jodhpur and this is claimed not only by us but also by many of his former and current patients. He is cited as one of the best for Hair Transplant in Jodhpur and can provide many types of Hair Loss Treatment in Jodhpur itself. He has completed his post graduation in facial plastic and maxillofacial surgery in 2011. He did his fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine and Laser from Germany and is a very trusted Facial Plastic Surgeon and Hair doctor in Jodhpur. Dr. Aggarwal is also a very experienced doctor for all types of hair problems and is a certified trichology expert who has performed many hair transplant surgeries successfully. He is one of the few doctors whose experience is coupled with genuine concern for his patients.
Meet Our Team of Experts.
Dr. Karun Aggarwal is amongst one of the best Hair doctor in Jodhpur and this is claimed not only by us but also by many of his former and current patients. He is cited as one of the best for Hair Transplant in Jodhpur and can provide many types of Hair Loss Treatment in Jodhpur itself. He has completed his post graduation in facial plastic and maxillofacial surgery in 2011. He did his fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine and Laser from Germany and is a very trusted Facial Plastic Surgeon and Hair doctor in Jodhpur. Dr. Aggarwal is also a very experienced doctor for all types of hair problems and is a certified trichology expert who has performed many hair transplant surgeries successfully. He is one of the few doctors whose experience is coupled with genuine concern for his patients.
Laser hair removal technique is one of the most advanced procedures for removal of unwanted hair. It’s faster, more comfortable, simple, permanent unwanted hair reduction solution and one of the safest hair reduction options too. It cannot be called as ‘Permanent hair removal’ because although it reduces the hair to the extent that they are almost invisible but, they still exist. Besides that, it is the most effective technique and gives great results. It is probably the best alternative to plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis or other depilatories.
How does it really work?
This laser treatment for hair removal works on the principle of selective Photothermolysis (SPTL). The process comprises of using a specific match of wavelength & pulse duration to get the optimal effect on the targeted hair follicles. The process heats the targeted tissue and destroys it with a laser without damaging the surrounding tissue.
Be The melanin absorbs the light and heats upfore
What Areas Can Be Treated With Laser Hair Reduction?
Laser can permanently reduce hair from all areas of the body except the inside of the nose and the ear. Some of the more popular areas are
Areas to be treated with Laser Hair Removal:
This Laser hair reduction treatment can be applied to all the genders. Lasers can permanently reduce hair from all the areas of the body except the nose and ear. The most popular laser hair removal treatments include face laser hair removal, bikini line laser hair removal and leg laser hair removal. Let us see these in some detail:
Upper lip :Â It is a great displeasure for any women to have hair on her upper lip. If present naturally, then every lady tries to remove them artificially using various methods like waxing, plucking and tweezing which helps to remove hair but you need to do these on regular basis in salons and are very painful. To get rid of this, laser hair removal technique has become more popular these days for the removal of hair from the Upper lip.
Chin :Â Many women have undesirable hair around the chin area too. Laser hair removal of chin will hardly takes 15 minutes and is a straightforward procedure. This process provides you with a smooth and silky skin at your chin using the latest laser technology.
Cheeks & Side locks :All of us wish for a clear and smooth skin. The methods such as bleaching, shaving and waxing are used regularly to achieve this. But, frequent use of these techniques can irritate the skin. Facial hair removal using laser technology is a quick process that can be used instead. A sequence of facial hair removal treatments can be life changing and fill you with a lot of confidence. You may require some touch up treatments if you want to keep the hair at bay.
Ear : Are you irritated with the tufts of hairs poking out of your ears. Don’t worry at all. Laser ear hair removal is the recent technique which can help you to get rid of these unwanted hairs from the ears. This technique uses the pulse light that works to impair the hair follicle. This treatment can require multiple sessions and can be costly but, can give the best results at the same time.
Neck :Â Neck is quite the common part to have laser hair removal treatment for both men and women. Neck laser hair removal is most suitable for people having light skin with dark hair on it. Every type of laser and IPL can be used for this laser hair removal technique.
Upper Torso :Â It is no furtive that you are much confident having unsightly hair on your arms, under arms, legs, back etc. Having hair on your upper body can bound you to select the clothes and can make you uncomfortable in your daily life. Do not let your hairs to be the reason for wearing the full sleeve shirt unwillingly. Repeated shaving can make the skin prone to ingrown hair, cysts or dark skin with marks. Go for laser hair removal treatment. You can go for full body laser hair removal. Firstly, the hairs are smashed using laser, hairs will shed out completely and pores in the skin will close slowly, making your skin smooth and silky.
Lower Extremity :Â Laser hair removal treatment works well in the areas having dark, thick and coarse hair. Legs are often the best hair removal part for both men and women through laser treatment. As the skin is quite thick on the legs, hence you will experience almost minimal or no pain. Apart from this, there are few experiences in life which are bumpier or awkward than getting a bikini wax. Shaving always lead to ingrown hair and uneven hair growth. Laser hair removal therapy can help you to attain a smooth, attractive and clear skin.
What to avoid before staring your laser hair removal treatment?
Hair Removal Cream
Hair Bleach
Hair Wax
Excessive Sun Exposure
Tanning Bed
Mystic Tan
Tanning Cream
Laser Hair Removal Cost in Jodhpur
The cost of laser hair removal treatment in India depends on certain factors which can be defined as:
Area to be treated
It is the most important factor to determine the cost of the treatment. The more sensitive the area, the more costly will be the treatment. Larger areas are costly as compared to smaller ones, as it also takes a long time.
Sessions require
The procedure requires a number of sittings or sessions which are considered on various other issues. Consult with your doctor and analyze the whole process criteria for your treatment. Higher numbers of sessions will increase the overall cost of treatment.
Hair Type
Your hair type plays an important role in the laser hair removal treatment. The factors such as, how dense and thick your hairs are, how lengthy your hairs are, etc will determine the overall cost for the treatment.
Skin color
Skin color is another important factor that is to be considered for the laser hair removal. Lighter skin is considered easy for laser hair removal than darker skin. It is little difficult to focus particularly on mere hair in the dark skin, thus needs more precision and takes more time. This will also increase the cost of the treatment.
Standard of the clinic
The overall total cost of the treatment also depends on the standard, quality and location of the clinic from where you are getting your laser hair removal treatment done. Well hygienic, fully equipped with modern devices and services will result in the increment of the cost of your treatment but will help you in some or the other way. Your comfort will be the primary aim at such places.
Types of laser system
The type of laser system to be used also influences the cost of the treatment. Recent or advanced laser machines will give better results and efficient. The latest fast technology will definitely give you better results, making the treatment costly.
The average cost of this laser hair removal treatment ranges between Rs. 3000-12,500 per session depending on which area of the body is to be treated. You might need more sittings for the proper hair removal (as consulted by the doctor). Laser hair treatment can be done on actively growing hair. You need minimum of 6-8 sessions to completely get rid of the unwanted hair.
The treatment at Dr. Aggarwal’s clinic is performed by the most experienced staff under the supervision and consultation of Dr. Aggarwal himself. We have the fully equipped clinic in Jodhpur, Rajasthan providing you the most effective and efficient laser hair removal treatment. For further queries, contact us or visit
Frequently Asked Questions
The laser treatment will take place in a room set up specifically for laser treatments. Everyone in the room must wear protective eyewear during the procedure. To perform the procedure, the skin is held taut and the skin is treated with the laser. Many patients say that the laser pulses feel like warm pinpricks or a rubber band being snapped against the skin.
A laser removes hair by vaporizing it. This causes small plumes of smoke that have a sulfur-like smell.
How long your treatment lasts depends on the size of the area being treated. Treating the upper lip takes minutes. If you are having a large area like the back or legs treated, your treatment may last more than an hour.
-Avoid direct sunlight from hitting your treated skin.
-Not use a tanning bed, sun lamp, or any other indoor tanning equipment.
-Follow your dermatologist’s after-care instructions.
-You will see some redness and swelling after treatment. This often looks like a mild sunburn. Applying a cool compress can help reduce your discomfort.
To remove the hair, most patients need 2 to 6 laser treatments. After finishing the treatments, most patients do not see any hair on the treated skin for several months or even years. When the hair regrows, there tends to be less of it. The hairs also tend to be finer and lighter in color.
The most common side effects are minor and last 1 to 3 days. These side effects include:
-Other possible side effects are rare when laser hair removal is performed by a dermatologist or under the dermatologist’s direct supervision. Other possible side effects include:
-Herpes simplex (cold sores) outbreaks
-Skin lightening or darkening
In time, skin color tends to return to normal. Some changes to skin color, however, are permanent. This is why seeing a medical doctor who is skilled in laser treatments and has in-depth knowledge of the skin is so important.
It is also important to follow your dermatologist’s instructions. Following both the before-treatment instructions and after-treatment instructions will greatly reduce your risk of side effects.
Most patients see some hair regrowth. Your dermatologist can tell you when you can safely have laser treatments to maintain the results.
One such advance is that more people can safely have laser hair removal. In the past, only people with dark hair and light skin could safely have laser hair removal. Today, laser hair removal is a treatment option for patients who have light-colored hair and light skin and patients who have dark skin. Laser hair removal must be performed very carefully in these patients. Dermatologists know what precautions to take to provide laser hair removal safely and effectively.
Most people describe the treatment as uncomfortable rather than painful. The level of discomfort varies between individuals and the different areas being treated. Some people feel nothing, some feel a heat sensation, and some have likened the sensation to mild stinging or the flicking of a rubber band. Generally the coarser or thicker the hair, the greater the sensation. There is usually some form of skin response post treatment, normally a mild redness.
At D. AGGARWAL’S CLINIC, all of our clinic staff are highly professional and experienced and have been trained extensively, so they can perform the treatment quickly and efficiently – it’ll be over in no time!
For best results, we recommend having a course of treatments (usually between 6-8) on our laser hair removal plan to achieve permanent results. Our laser hair removal membership, gives you a treatment schedule and comes with an easy payment plan option. Plus, it also includes our exclusive guarantee to give you peace of mind about your results.
We treat the following areas with laser hair removal:
Bikini line/Brazilian
These treatments are typically performed around 6 weeks apart to allow us to target as many hairs as possible throughout the hair growth cycle. It’s also important not to wax or epilate in between treatments – but shaving is fine!