Chin Liposuction
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Chin Liposuction ?
Chin liposuction can be performed on the Chin, Neck & Jowls (a fat pad from the lower cheek)Chin liposuction only removes a small amount of fat, yet can create a dramatic effect.
Fullness / a fatty chin can cause the face and neck to be seen as one unit which is interpreted by our eye as a sign of ageing.
Frequently it can occur from an early age, indicating a genetic tendency. But for most the signs usually occur over time with age, and no matter how much weight is lost, the areas remain the same. Some patients may not be particularly overweight. Chin liposuction cost in Delhi.
Chin Liposuction Procedure
It is done under local anaesthesia and tiny (0.5mm) holes are done under the chin jaw line. A tumescent fluid is injected to numb the area and soften the fat for easy suctioning. As there is minimal fat in these areas, the technique is as much about skillful sculpting to get good skin retraction and skin tightening to give the areas a much more defined result
Chin Liposuction Recovery Process
Minimal bruising and swelling is normal after this procedure and usually settles within 1 to 2 weeks.It is necessary to wear a compression chin garment immediately after the procedure
Chin Liposuction FAQs
Make up can worn to the face immediately after the procedure to cover any minimal bruising.
Over time the loosening of skin, and the accumulation of fat under the chin may cause what is known as a double chin
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